Sunday, October 31, 2021

Our animated GIF's


What did we do? 
What do I learn? 
What was easy? 
What was challenging? 

Today we learnt how to make an animated GIF. I found it easy to think of an idea however it was really hard to implement and have things move how I wanted it to. 

Everyone in the class made one. They have uploaded them to their individual blogs. Make sure you check them out!

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Get Ready to Shake Out!

Today we practiced our Earthquake Drill: Drop, Cover, Hold. 

Everyone knew what they needed to do and quickly got under the tables to drop, cover, and hold.


I wonder if you know how what to do in an earthquake?

Monday, October 25, 2021

Writing in Tanemahuta: Describing the setting

 Last week we were learning how to describe the setting for a story. We had to look at our picture, think about the time and place our story would be set it. When we were writing we included lots of description including what our senses would feel if we were there - what would we see, smell, taste, hear, feel? 

Tanemahuta had to think very hard and they have come up with lots of creative ideas. 


 I wonder which setting you think sounds the most peaceful? I wonder which setting you think sounds the scariest? 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Welcome back to Term 4!

Today we got to start back at school after having 2 weeks of holiday. Everyone in Tanemahuta is excited to be back! 

This morning we discussed the important behaviours to make Term 4 successful. 

We decided that these actions are the most important:
  • Be kind and show kia manawanui
  • Listen to others
  • Raise your hand on the mat if you want to speak 
  • Show respect
  • Be responsible and organised for our learning
  • Let others think for themselves, don't shout out the answers
  • Try your best 
  • Mistakes are valuable learning moments
This is a great list of amazing ideas from our learners in Tanemahuta!