Sunday, August 22, 2021

My Hawaiki

This term we have been learning about Maia Poroaki. We have learnt that he comes from Hawaiki.

Hawaiki is an important place for Māori history.

Experts believe that Hawaiki is an island near Tahiti. Some other people describe Hawaiki as the place where they feel most special or the place where they feel happiest. It is a place where you feel connected to the land.

My learning today is to describe my Hawaiki - the place where I feel most special or happiest. I enjoyed writing this description as it brought back many happy memories. I found it difficult to decide which information I should add into my writing.

My Hawaiki

My Hawaiki is a special place to me. I have many memories there and wish I could go back. My Hawaiki is a place that is far from Tairawhiti. It is a place where I spent many weekends and holidays as a child. We would often have huge family gatherings, oh the noise was so loud and cheerful. There was always an aunty to give me a hug, or uncle to take me out fishing. We would wake early to go out onto the calm water. The boat was loud as it revved to get us where we wanted to go. The seagulls would squawk at us to feed them. I never liked the smell of the bait but I would toss it off the side of the boat if it meant the seagulls got breakfast.

The place of my Hawaiki is often a popular place to go during summer, lots of people around with sun beating down on us. When we got too hot, it was not far to run. We had to run over hot sand that hurt our feet, before being able to jump into the loud crashing waves. The place of my Hawaiki would leave salt in my noise, skin and hair.

The place of my Hawaiki was also great fun in the winter. The wind would howl, but I would be cosy knowing that the fireplace was keeping me warm. There was no internet or TV at my Hawaiki. My family would squish around the dining table to entertain ourselves with card games as the rain poured outside.

As I remember the place of my Hawaiki, I think back to the memories and the way they made me feel. Each one of us got to relax away from the everyday life of school and work, and just enjoy spending time with each other and being happy.

Can you guess where my Hawaiki might be?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow that's awesome and really long too it took me 4 min to finish reading it.


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